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Q&A PCI add-on codes require modifiers?

Ruth Sheets

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This was asked in the chat questions during the July 2013 Q&A Webinar. There was not time to answer it.
Feel free to post your answer and comments!

For the Coronary Therapeutic Services and Procedures 92920 - 92944 (percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) codes, do the add-on codes require a modifier?

Ruth Sheets

CCO Moderator
Staff member
PBC Student (CPC®)
CCO Club Member
CCO Support Staff
MTA Student
ICD-10-CM Student
PPM Student (CPPM®)
FBC Student (CPC-H®)
It probably depends on the payer. However, I find it is a lot easier to add the modifier to the base code and the add-on codes so you can keep straight what you are coding for what major coronary artery (LD, LC, RC, etc.)